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About Arielle

Hi, friend! I’m Arielle Brown, the founder of Bea’s Bayou Skincare & GoWitnessApp in New Orleans, LA. You might have heard my podcast, Say it With Your Breasts Podcast, where I have fun discussions with other female entrepreneurs from Louisiana (I’m from Lafayette, LA by the way)! Maybe I’ve helped you buy or sell property as your house-flipping Realtor friend, or maybe you’ve touched my life while I was a school-based Social Worker for seven years prior to transitioning to entrepreneurship. Either way, I’m glad you’re here!


I founded Bea’s Bayou Skincare during the 2020 year of the COVID-19 crisis. I always knew I’d start my own business one day that allowed me to combine my passions, skills, and desire to help others. With Bea’s Bayou Skincare, I created a probiotic scalp product that drastically reduces scalp inflammation reactions such as itch, burning, dandruff, scales, and hair loss! Over 100 customers have shared their 5-star reviews and I’m grateful and excited for their healing! 


This same year, 2020, I created GoWitness, a mobile app service that links signing agents to witnesses on-demand! This is a platform that will launch in 2021 to help create jobs for anyone who can simply show I.D., be over 18 years old, and physically or virtually sign their name. It’s currently in development. This idea came from my own need to find a witness to sign documents in another state and after usual business hours. I thought, “How cool would it be if…”? GoWitness App was born. 


My favorite part of being an entrepreneur in any business endeavor is seeing transformation happen before my eyes - both for me and for others. I love seeing the power of imagination, visualization, and “doing it big!” I intend to keep dreaming and I hope you do too! 




Arielle is a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Epsilon Beta Chapter. She enjoys, singing, songwriting, and reading. Visit,, and to learn more! Follow her on IG @namastearielle!.

My latest projects

The Latest

Beas's Bayou Skincare Launch

Bea's Bayou Skincare is a probiotic skincare line that offers amazing products for the scalp and skin for anyone who deals with itchy, dry, skin caused by Seborrheic Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis, and other skin inflammation.


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